Prophet Stories (Prophet Nuh)

Greetings everyone!!!!!!!
This is story time.
Our site has published a new video on youtube.
This is a prophet story you can enjoy with your kids any time any where.
In the world of today it is too much problematic for us to educate our kids in the islamic way.
But your partner as we are here.
We are going to assist you in educating your kids to learn the islamic values.

So this is the new story of prophet nuh this story has been composed for your comfort.
For the kids with easy vocabulary pictures and a fast mode of understanding.
Enjoy this story of the great flood on earth.
A new start of the earth.
What happens to the ignorant people?
All story is written in the light of quranic ayats from surah al airaf.
Also visit our more stories here.
Enjoy the story dont forget to subscribe to story time for more videos.
On Youtube.
Also give your feebacks in the comments section.


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