Prophet David Story in English||(Prophet stories in english) Story time

Prophet Daud Story in english
(Prophet Stories In English)

Greetings  everyone!!!!!
☆This is the story of prophet David story in english.
In this story the life of prophet David is discussed.In this story it is discussed that the book Zabur was sent to Prophet.
☆He recited it so beautifully that the birds,animals and even the jins listened and enjoyed it.
The king of Bani israel at that time was Talut who was chosen by ☆Allah as their king.
Their enemy was jalut who had big army and warfare.
Talut announced that whoever will kill jalut will become the king after me.
☆So on Allah's orders Prophet David killed Jalut so he became king of Bani israel after Talut.
But he still earned livelihood from his occupation.

☆●Watch this story in urdu too.


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●Islamic Stories
●Quran stories
●Prophet daud story in english
●English story
●Kids stories
●Bed time stories
●Prophet stories in english for kids
●Prophet stories in english for children
●English stories
●Story time
●Stories for kids
●Animated stories for kids

Enjoy the story!!!!!!!!!!!!


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