Interesting Facts about Nails

Your nails make your hands look even more prettier.
But there are some naily facts that you need to know so here we are with some nail facts.
Did i nailed it or not let me know in the comments.
By the way watch out for the Bonus At the End.

1. Growth Rate
Growth rate of the nails is 0.1mm per every single day.

Nail biting is an act to express nervousness is biologically known as Oncyophagia.

Stress affects all of your body especially your nails. Nails lose their shine and luxury due to stress.

Nails and hair have common structure because they are made of keratin.They are similar in structure but different in appearence.

5.Nail art
In olden times nail art was a way used to show family status.

6.Best Season
Best season for nail growth is summer.
Now you ll have to cut more nails in summers.

7.Men vs Women
The nail growth rate is more in men than in women.

8.Dead Cells
Nails are made up of dead cells thats why it doesnot hurt your nails when you cut your nails.

Your nails can show the symptoms of diseases in your lungs, kidneys and stomach.This technique was used in the ancient diagnosis of diseases.

10. Sensitivity
Nails make the end of your fingertips more sensitive.

Bonus. Claws
We humans belong to the Class of mammals so our nails are like flat claw. Btw use them in emergency situations.


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