What are bones? (Definition,Function and types)

All of you are well aware that the humans and many other creatures in this world are supported by a strong and articulated network known as the skeletal system. The skeletal system is made up of a network of well combined system of Bones.
But what are bones?
Let’s Find out

1.Bone is a substance that forms the skeletal system of humans.

2.It is composed chiefly of calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate.

3.The muscles attached to the bones allow them to move.

Function Of Bones:
There are 5 main functions of a bone.
1.Provide support:
Bones also provide support for exmaple:
->Structural support for entire body
->Attachment for soft tissues and organs

2.Store minerals and lipids:
Bones store a lot of minerals especially
->Calcium(99% of body calcium reserves)
Lipids are there in large amounts inside the bones.

3.Produce blood cells:
Bones store and produce
->Red blood cells 
->White blood cells
->other blood elements

4.Protect body organs:
Bones protect the delicate body organs for example:
->Rib cage: Protects heart and lungs
->Skull:Protects Brain
->Vertebal column: protects spinal cord
->Pelvis: Protects delicate reproductive organs

5.Provide leverage and movement:
Many bones function as levers that can change
-> Magnitude(Strength)
of forces produced by muscles

Bones are living:
There are several reasons for this
●Because they can grow
●Because they have blood vessels in them
●Because they can repair themselves

Types of Bones:
There are 5 distinct types of bones

Types of Skeleton:
There are 2 sections of Skeleton
Axial Skeleton: Skull, ribcage, spinal cord, neck bone etc
Appendicular Skeleton:arms,legs,hip etc


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